The Best Law Schools in the US: Law School Rankings – Do They Really Matter?

In my previous life as a law school career advisor, the day US News and World Report released its rankings of the best law school in the nation could be a very rough day at the law school. With the soaring costs of a legal education, do the rankings really matter? Whether law school deans scoff at them or not, they do matter to the general public, to prospective law students, to current law students, and to legal employers.

To see the full rankings, go to:

My prediction: There are too many law schools, too many law schools graduates and too few entry-level jobs and this means something has to give. I predict many of the unranked law school will have to close. If a law school has fallen out of the tiers, it needs to wake up and look at the reality of continuing on as an institution graduating students whose degrees may not be worth the paper it is printed up.

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